PAGE Methods


Returns include-filename for content templates. In order to include content, first you need to create an AREA in the backend's template section. Then select this area for all page- and content-templates that contain this area. Please see the template section for further information on how to set up templates.

string content( string area [, string view ])


Name of a system-file which will include your content-templates for this area.

areaArea defined in backend's template section.
viewOptional view as defined in backend. If a view is passed the method will only inlude content-templates for which this view has been selected.

Include content of MARGIN area

include $PAGE->content("margin")
RETURN: '/var/.../.../system/sys_page_content.php'

Include content of BOTTOM area for which the "black" view has been selected

include $PAGE->content("bottom", "black")
RETURN: '/var/.../.../system/sys_page_content.php'