
Call this method to initialize a new form. Use the close() method to finish the forms definition. Use display() to show form. For detailed information on how to setup a form see our Formulare erstellen examples.

string setup( string handle [, string action [, string method = POST [, bool upload = true [, array values ]]]])


Buffers and returns initial HTML code.

handleHandle name to address form.
actionCall this link upon submission of the form. This can be a link as well as a hash/anchor.
methodPOST or GET
uploadPrepare form for file upload. The default value is TRUE which means that you have to explicitly define that a form is unable to receive uploaded files.
valuesSet form's initial values. This parameter can be used to fill the form's input boxes with values from a table.

Setup form

RETURN: '<div id="frm_testform" class="frm_testform form testform"> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="testform" method="POST" action=""> <div><input type="hidden" name="sys__testform" value="true" /></div> <script type="text/javascript">function ...

Error: Formname already exists


Get form to call different page on sent event

$FORM->setup("testform1", $NAVI->href(20), "GET")
RETURN: '<div id="frm_testform1" class="frm_testform1 form testform1"> <form enctype="multipart/form-data" id="testform1" method="GET" action="/api/user/login"> '